We think this must be the plane Dad came to Canada on.
During this trip Dad went to New York and did not like it.
After his month working in Bienfait Dad and some of the other doctors took a trip to the mountains. He took these pictures of the bears by the highway
The Hot Springs in Banff
Maybe it's just because we didn't have snowblowers, but it seemed like there was more snow back then.
Downtown Bienfait.
When we lived there Bienfait was a thriving community of about 1,000 people. It had two grocery stores, Bradley's (where we shopped), and Fred Liskowich's (Sheps) and a general store, a hardware store, cafe, hairdresser, credit union, bank, bakery, two pool rooms, post office, 3 churches, hotel and bar, and two garages. Movies were shown on Saturday Nights at the Legion Hall. They cost 25 cents to get in. The stores were open late on Saturdays and main street was packed with cars. The kids would all go to the movie, and a lot of the parents congregated at the bars. Dad was often busy on Saturday nights patching people up after things got a little rowdy.
All the businesses closed down at 9:30 every morning for 1/2 hour and everyone would congregate at the cafe for coffee and gossip. The stores and doctors office closed on Wednesday afternoons and Mom and Dad would head into Estevan to shop at the co-op grocery store. We often went for supper at the Canada Cafe on Wednesdays.
The Hotel and Bar. Mom was shocked that there were two entrances, one for men and one for "ladies and escorts". Women did not go to the bar unescorted. Nor did women go into the poolroom. "Gub's Purple Palace" had several pool tables, a barber's chair, and an ongoing crib game in the back room where a bottle or two was passed around. A lot of money changed hands there. All somewhat illegal, but the local cop, Joe Pryznik, turned a blind eye. That is where Uncle George made money with Graham after he taught him to play pool on our pool table in the basement.
The Doctor's Office
Bienfait Hospital front steps.
We used to go for weekends in Regina and stayed at this motel. We really liked the swimming pool, and there was a big buffet restaurant.
Family friends Ann and Paul Bowers
Brian Bowers and Gordie Waugh, one of the Waugh boys
Eddie Miller and Olive and baby whose name I can't remember, but he was a wiz at taking things apart.
Graham got this table hockey game for Christmas. Unfortunately he didn't get to play it much, the Bowers and Waughs and I can't remember who else were over, and they really got into it, and played tournaments on it all day.
John studying
The Glee Club singing at John's Grad
Susan and Kathryn
Graham and Kathryn, Melvin and Donne Rohatyn
My horse, Flicker, with Donna
My friend Gay Knight with her horse Slippers. That is her sister Glory with her.
Kathryn and Donna. They were inseperable
A trip to Saskatoon
An A & W. Not the Estevan one we stopped at, it's too big, but to give you an idea of what they were like.
Brian's first boat, It only had a 35 hp motor if I remember. He soon traded it in for the more powerful one.
Brian's bigger boat
Transporting the Dock in early Spring.
Taking the boat out on a cold day
The Kite
Dad in wetsuit
Brian in wet suit
Dad getting ready to take off.
Lessons in getting onto one ski. I never did master it.
After we moved to Weyburn Kathryn took up synchronized swimming.
The last family camping trip. This one to the Cypru Hills. Mom and Dad liked the civilized Canadian way of camping, with cooking shacks, barbeques, and groomed campsites
The group of us. The family was growing, but no grandchildren yet.
Canoeing in Cyprus
Building the Hangar
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