Here are more pictures that are gleaned from Dad's slides. Unfortunately some of the slides have started to deteriorate from being stored so long.
We camped here for several years in a row. It was on the Norfolk Coast, a few hours drive. We went to the beach every day. The beach was very shingly when the tide was in, but beautifully sandy when the tide was out.
Susan and I can't remember who this fellow is. Can anyone help us out?
Those are change huts in the background. We never used them, Mom would hold up towels for us to change behind.
The Boat pond. We used to sail model boats on this pond.
More Camping
That's Kathryn, Mom and me.
Kids on the rocks
Muddy Kathryn
At Grandma Wraysbury's
These two pictures would have been taken the summer before we left England. I think I remember them being taken after we welcomed Dad back from his month in Canada. The dog's name was Woofta.
The reunion in colour
Graham in Grandma's boat
Pictures taken in the garden of 283 Eastfield Road, Peterborough
Looking from the front side of the house.
Rose garden and front of the house
The rose garden
Graham, John and Susan on bikes on the tennis court. The tree in the background is a Mountain Ash. It was one of the favourite places to play
The following are family pictures taken shortly after Kathryn's birth. Grandma and Uncle George came to visit.
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