Monday, May 10, 2010

Family Memories: Early Years in Peterborough

After the army Dad was able to secure a junior partnership with Dr. Bernard Stein, in Peterborough, and the little family moved there. At first they had a house on Limetree Avenue. I was apparently born while we lived there. As the family grew larger accommodations were needed and they moved first to 319 Eastfield Road, then to 283 Eastfield Road. Susan and Graham were born at 319 Eastfield Road, and Kathryn at 283.

Probably John and Liz

John and I were both born in a hospital, but Susan, Graham and Kathryn were all born at home with the assistance of a midwife. I remember Kathryn’s birth, and how we all crowded around a few minutes after she was born to watch her have her first bath. Mom said none of us even spared a glance for her; we were only interested in the baby.

Baby Kathryn with Graham

319 Eastfield Road was close to the Fairgrounds. I remember one year the Queen came to do something ceremonial. John and I stood outside and saluted as she went by. She waved. Mom and Dad were not much for royalty and did not join us.

There was a shop across the street named Jordans, where Mom used to go for everyday items, and we went for ice creams.

319 Eastfield Road had an old pond at the bottom of the garden. At one time it would have been an ornamental fishpond, but now it was stagnant and overgrown. Newts lived there. Susan as a baby was always curious about how things taste, and I remember her eating them. I also remember her eating a plant called “deadly nightshade” for a good reason. Mom was quite concerned, but Dad just kept an eye on her and she was fine.

The pond

Mom always used to tease Dad for being absent minded. One day she was out walking with a pram, a toddler or two trotting alongside, and a big black Labrador dog (Judy). “Good Morning Doctor” she said as she passed Dad walking the other way. “Good morning madam” he replied as he walked on by.

Mom with pram

He was grumbling about getting no respect at home. So one day when he arrived home, Mom had all the kids and herself lined up to greet him. We had been practicing all day, and as he walked in we all bowed deeply, saying “Welcome Home, Master”

Four kids, Susan, John, Liz, Graham

An older gentleman lived next door, Mr. Chapman. He used to tell us stories of fairies and elves who lived at the bottom of the garden. He built himself a pond and stream in his garden; with a waterfall at one end that circulated the water, and ornamental plants and fish. Before he put the plants and fish in he let John and I go wading in it. Mom gave him our goldfish, Rag, Tag and Bobtail, to live in a larger environment than the aquarium. We had cats, and I remember them sitting for hours, hopefully staring at the darting fish in the pond.

Susan in the garden at 319 Eastfield Road

Playing in the Garden at 319 Eastfield. John, Liz and Susan

Playing in the garden. Mom, John, Susan and Philip Bracey, a friend.

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